A downloadable game for Windows and Android

Elevalence - The Last Wizard

My First Game and First Game Jam.


A fixed screen shooting game. where the player is a wizard (last wizard) and the main objective is to defend the village. The wizard known all the elements (fire, water, earth, wind) however he cannot control it at will. The keys on firing the specific element is mess up in some way. will this wizard can defend the village?

GMTK Game Jam 2020 - Out of control theme.

Movements: Up and Down Button.
Attack: "q", "w", "e", "r", "t","a","s","d","f", "g", "z", "x", "c","v" keys
pause: Escape Button
to check element matrix: Escape then click Guide.

Important Note:
Don't follow the element table on the game it kinda messed up.
Here is the right guide:

  • Firing same element on the enemy can heal them.
  • Water is highly effective on fire element enemy.
  • Fire is highly effective on earth element enemy.
  • Wind is highly effective on water element enemy.
  • Earth is highly effective on wind element enemy.

Extra Note:

The level is only 10 waves. 

Game does not have animation and fine sprites.

Game has no music and effects.

I hope you appreciate my work. thanks.

Please download the apk version for the updated design assets


Elevalence x86.rar 16 MB
Elevalence_BetaV1.apk 33 MB

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